Wednesday, August 8, 2012

OK, time to 'fess up.  We are addicted to watermelon.  This has not much to do with decorating. Just had to share.

Came home from my walk this AM, had coffee, checked computer, needed to get to shop because I didn't want to miss the UPS man again.  Needed the boxes to ship some book orders. Then decided to have breakfast.  Filled the bowl with cereal and went to fridge to get the milk. This is what greeted me.
I couldn't stop laughing, and John was so happy to catch my first reaction.  Who said this doesn't have to do with decorating. Have you ever seen a coffee filter used so well?

It seems every time John stops at the store, he is at the back door with another watermelon. I was about to start calling him "the watermelon man", but now the title is reserved for my refrigerator pal.

I am fortunate because in addition to making morning coffee ( I shouldn't tell you, but he is actually grinding the beans!) and making sure the Brita is filled, John is now cutting up the watermelon, so it is always at the ready. Is watermelon available in the winter?


As an aside, these are the books I am shipping to Amazon with the start of school eminent. Need to put a kind word in for the RRstar and my ad rep.  The ad came out pretty faint in the paper last week, and they are rerunning it for me. Thought that was a very kind gesture.  They get accolades from this small business owner for whom advertising is an expense more difficult to handle than for a bigger company. Thank you RRstar.

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