Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Picture (or two) Is Worth a Thousand Words

It's a workshop and a studio and a display center for items listed on Etsy and Craigslist. And as you look at the details, you can see that it's also a garage. Yes, those are our bikes hanging from the rafter.

I can consult with people looking for decorating ideas or chit chat over a cup of coffee. Note to self: Set up Coffee. 

Today I will be shipping a few orders.  The next day I may be painting signs or unpacking more boxes, so I can take photos and post more items. Or I may just sit and put up my feet and get lost in my favorite magazines so I can keep up to date on decorating trends (without being too trendy). I love touches of the new and lots of the classic. We are still all about Gifts and Decor with a bit of a Past.

That table will be a furniture platform for easier painting when it's too cold to paint outside. It will be a desk for writing copy and  a table for taking photos. It will be a staging area for setting items before finding the perfect place for them. And I think I need to paint that table!

I will try to list a new item or two every day and post them on Facebook and/or Instagram. Also I love visitors, so feel free to call or text and I will put the coffee on..or tea....or water...or.... I look forward to your visit!

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